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Spring Bundles
Stardate: Spring Equinox, Sun moves into Aries, 3/19/2024, chinklacamoose, zone 5ish. I've talked with the Plants and offerings made from last season's generous abundance & offer these bundles as ways to connect deeper with yourself and the Plants as we cross into ending and beginning, eclipse season, and as a big thank you for your patience as I rebuilt the online MFHQ. All bundles are fuller spectrum, already discounted, and will last you into the seasons ahead.
Stardate: Spring Equinox, Sun moves into Aries, 3/19/2024, chinklacamoose, zone 5ish. I've talked with the Plants and offerings made from last season's generous abundance & offer these bundles as ways to connect deeper with yourself and the Plants as we cross into ending and beginning, eclipse season, and as a big thank you for your patience as I rebuilt the online MFHQ. All bundles are fuller spectrum, already discounted, and will last you into the seasons ahead. …
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