Move and Soothe with Mammilla, a massage oil or balm for breast health, breast cancer prevention and recovery, immune system and lymphatic functioning.
Safe, effective & supportive while menstruating, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Homegrown organic calendula and wild dandelion, violet, red clover blossom oil infusions.
CALENDULA cleanses the lymph. softens the rough. promotes healing even for chronic skin conditions,
DANDY LION penetrates, moves deep, tenacious. joy of living/grow through even concrete. brings light into dark.
VIOLETS decongest lymph system, gentle and strong, joyfull
RED CLOVER inhibits the growth of cancer cells, their root system . .. a blanket of interconnection
oil infusions & beeswax (balm).
No fragrances, as always, and no essential oils. Please feel welcome to add any essential oils to this oil infusion, or any Meraki oil!