Meraki grown Gotu Kola infused & preserved in alcohol
1 or 2 oz glass dropper bottles.
Focus Potion
Gotu Kola is one of the few Plants I work with that are not indigenous to these lands, an easy to grow herbaceous perennial native to the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, and is well documented in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayerveda as food and medicine, with growing research in the western world. In the West this awesome Plant I suggest you grow yourself too, is commonly used for it's affinity for the blood through treatment of varicose veins.
What I learn from this Plant is about it's affinity with Air, the Mind, with what so many people experience as brain fog - as a result from long gaul effects of covid - 19, through the menopausal stages, for the neurodivergence so many people carry in their big beautiful minds.
I've been making the Focus Potion as Indicated for
Relaxing the turbulence of the mind
increasing focus, mental stamina
supporting attention span and concentration
improving mental clarity
Most of us here on these lands with these climates can grow this Plant as an annual, even overwintering it inside. As with any Plants we develop relation with, and any Plants that are grown in other parts of the world for western consumption, I think it is the honorable and responsible things to do to honor the traditional uses, and support folks growing this Plant in reverence.